Soundhealing og guidet lyd
Dette er en frekvensportal til dybere balance og glæde, det eneste du skal gøre er at lytte og modtage.
Alle meditationer og sange bærer lysaktiveringer i dine celler og energi.
Jeg tilbyder guidede meditationer, frekvensmedicin og lydhealing i form af; online optagede sessioner, sjælfulde koncerter og personlige gruppearrangementer/workshops.
1 minute heart meditation
Light language - suncode activation
Soundhealing and Guided Audio
This is a frequency portal to deeper alignment, balance and joy, all you need to do is listen and receive.
All meditations and songs carry light activations within your cells and energy.
I offer guided meditations, frequency medicine, and soundhealing in the form of online recorded sessions, soulful concerts and in person group events/workshops.